Friday, 29 August 2014

How to zero in on a business idea!

We are all entrepreneurs, in our own different world's and ways. In most cases the fixation to the idea does not last long and hence it never springs up to reality.

The most important thing in starting up a business is the IDEA. Then the Team and then the Implementation. To find the right Idea is the key. That Idea should not only appeal to you monetarily but also emotionally. To find out :-

Make 2 Lists

Make a list of all the things you love and cant live without. Don't hold back or restrict, get a sheet and pen everything down from your hobbies like swimming and philately to interests like cooking, watching movies, hanging out with friends. Basically a list of all the things close to your heart.

Now make another list of skills that you have and you can acquire, do not shy away from penning down anything. Write whatever you think you are good at from excel skills to people skills and writing good blogs to public speaking to even coding, jot down everything.

Compare the lists

Now compare the two lists, and more often than not you will find one thing where your heart and your mind will coincide. You could be a food lover and coding could be your skill, you can start a food blog or a product for eateries. Or you could be a motor enthusiast and have public speaking skills, you can then start a video blog on motor sport or your own motor reviews channel.

There are many things you can be, but the ones which will bring a smile to you will be the ones closest to your heart.

Remember "we are all entrepreneurs!"

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