Monday, 8 December 2014

Why you no blog!

Do exactly as written - Count on the instances when you were absolutely alone in a day. No phone, No TV, No one around, No distractions at all.
How many could you count? None, Right? It's hard in this age to think of anytime without distractions. We have become a species with an attention span of a rodent. Where not only people but technology also is pushing hard to get a piece of our attention.
I can think of a few times when you can't be distracted, while driving (of course with radio off and assuming you don't use your phone while driving) and just before sleeping or in the rest rooms.
Can you recall the thoughts that cross your mind at these times. These are Ideas, about your current job, your business, family and other general things. But mostly they are possible solutions to the problems you face in your life and if you are good at imagination, these thoughts are just beautiful.
As soon as the distractions step in, these thoughts puff into the air like smoke. To pen these thoughts and use it for later reference and in the process help others is the best reason for 'Why SHOULD you blog.'

Some Facts:-

- Did you know that more than 70% information sharing on internet happens through blogs. Yes it's that big.
- We don't get the kind of environment these days to freely voice our opinions. Hence applications like 'Secret' are successful :). In fact a lot of doctors recommend blogging to relieve stress.
- Blogging makes you better at expressing your thoughts. You become more confident about what you think and talk.
- In today's time, it is extremely important to market your own brand and have your own POV, what could be better than writing a blog.
- Its a fact that a lot of people have become rich and famous by writing blogs ONLY. For instance - Neil Pasricha, find out who he is and then see his blog which got the best blog award in 2010. He even spoke at TED.

Why do we 'NOT' write blogs:-

- Fear of getting judged.
- No time
- Just don't like writing


- No internet

All these problems now have solutions:-

- If they judge you with what you write, they are not the ones you are writing for
- Having no time is not a reason, it's an excuse, get over having 'no time.'
- Even if you don't like blogging, just write and post. If someone likes or comments on your post, experience that feeling.
- 'No internet' is solved at the coffee shops these days. Almost all of them have free internet. Go get yourself a cup of coffee :)
Most importantly you should write because you care about what's going on and you do give a damn about it. All the best.
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